Jinan is the new fregrance in 2022. The word Jinan is from The Arabic which means heaven and it will make whoever wears it smell wonderful. Jinan consists of four variants, namely Adam, Eve, Angel, and Devil, through which human existence can survive on Earth.
The Tree

The initial concept is to start with a circle, then I duplicate till four different circles.

After that, I'll multiply the four into five circles using a horizontal pattern, then multiply the five into five using a vertical pattern.

The fruit tree represents the spot where Adam and Eve ate the fruit.

Next, Process coloring I’ll looking for the shapes at the circles and then I chose yellow and coloring some part of The circles.

There is an aspect that perfume may stay a long time with a circular design giving it an attractive and beautiful impression.

The faces

When I make two silhouettes, I start with a circle and add some lines as measure between the face’s distances, then i start drawing the face till i have two.

Adam and Eve are represented by two faces of a man and a woman.

Jinan Perfume


Jinan Perfume
