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Too Rights Publishing Imprint & Book Covers

Too Rights Publishing
To brand a new publishing imprint for their inaugural release of the classics, Moby Dick, On The Road, and Orlando: A Biography, I assimilated the shared themes of time and advocacy into the name Too Rights.  Too Rights stems from the fact that a stopped clock is right twice a day and the saying, “Two wrongs don't make a right” which is often directed towards those who are striving for acceptance to dismiss their actions as crazy and outside the norm.
The camel logo is derived from the fact that sands of time are the metaphorical arena where time itself is encapsulated and the three books provide the reader with a journey across the sands of time. Thus the camel, by persistently journeying across physical sands symbolizes the reader traversing themes of time while also representing the tenacity necessary to advocate for a chosen cause.  In addition, the camel features three humps to be "wrong" which through through effective design becomes accepted as "right," the same transcendent process through which advocates are attempting to facilitate with their societal movements.
In order to showcase the spirit of the Too Rights imprint, the book covers are "wrong" in that they feature each individual book's table of contents but despite the fact that the table of contents supposedly belongs inside of a book, the abstraction allows the covers to be accepted as a cover that appears "right."
The starting point for the Too Rights logo and book covers was an analysis of the three books, Moby Dick, On The Road, and Orlando: A Biography, to discover similarities.
When I finished analyzing the three books, I began ideating imprint names.
After settling on the name Too Rights, I embarked on the creation of a series of logo and book cover sketches that directly led to each final product.
Too Rights Publishing Imprint & Book Covers

Too Rights Publishing Imprint & Book Covers
