Sean Wallace's profile

The Redesign Project

The Redesign Project has me going through many of my old designs that I created from 2018-19 and redesigning them with the things I've learned over the years. Many of designs gave great concepts but poor execution, so The Redesign Project allows me to breathe new life into these designs and do them justice.
Originally entitled "Dusk 'Till Dawn", this was my first landscape design ever to be shared, and was the design that sparked the beginning of The Redesign Project.
Old on left vs new on right.
"Apartments" was always titled that, and was my second ever design to be shared, I took a more drastic change to the colour palette for this one, unlike Dawn which retained a similar palette to the original.
Old on left vs new on right.
Known as originally "Morning Train", I decided to keep the soft palette of the design while adding gradients and further improvements to the mountains and trees.
Old on left vs new on right.
Named "Natural Lake" in 2018, I decided to redo the pyramids in the background while also making the whole composition warmer and more inviting while removing clutter.
Old on left vs new on right.
Titled "Time Travel" initially, this design was brightened up with more vibrant gradients and better placements of some elements. I also added a reflection of the water for more vibrancy.
Old on left vs new on right.
This design (originally titled "Evening Trail") had the biggest changes of any of the redesigns so far. With a whole new palette, improvements to the composition and a general cleaner aesthetic.
Old on left vs new on right.
The Redesign Project

The Redesign Project
