HAWAIIAN SHIRT - Intro to Digital Media 
The main objective of this project was to create a pattern and then integrate it with an illustration of a Hawaiian shirt layout. We generated a pattern and added it on to a basic Hawaiian shirt replete with buttons and an made up shirt brand tag by us, staying in tune with the usual focus of attention picked out in Hawaiian shirts.  
The only materials used in this project were Adobe Illustrator, a digital program used to graphically design images using shapes and lines that allows you to do things in your own creative way. While using Adobe Illustrator I got to make everything to aid the project including the starting Hawaiian shirt layout,  the button and tag.  
The pattern I created with the red clouds is inspired by a tv show I watched as a kid growing up called "Naruto" and the logo was mainly supposed to represent the villains of the series where there characters specialized in being bandits with absolutely incredible abilities. These bandits were very inhuman and I loved the symbol design they used to present themselves with the red clouds. In the show they are known as the "Akatsuki" and you would know if a character was a member of this clan if they had a red cloud on their cloaks. So what I did to get my pattern together for the Akatsuki symbol is I used the ellipse tool multiple times and placed them together in cloud like formation. After that I use the shape builder tool to fuse them together in the form of a red cloud identical to the one in the show. For the part that's sticking out with a point I made a triangle and connected that with the ellipses that were already closed together using the shape builder tool again to make it look more identical to the iconic Akatsuki symbol. For the lines surrounding the red cloud I increased the stroke weight to be more thick and white.         
The first step I started with is I drew out the layout for the Hawaiian shirt before applying anything else. 
After I finished drawing out my outline for my Hawaiian shirt I got started on applying my pattern to the shirt onto the layout. 
Now that my pattern was applied to the Hawaiian shirt using the pattern tool I also had to colour the background in black. To help indicate that their is a colour and sleeves to the shirt I added grey lines for the stroke weight. For the back of the shirt on the inside I decreased the opacity to look more faded.  
Moving on to the button I did my best for the colours to best fit in with the shirt design so it matches up with the style. A circle was created and filled with a radial gradient using the ellipses tool. To achieve the effect of a bevelled ridge, additional colour stops were added to the gradient colour slider at varied hues. To provide dimension, the interior was painted in a lighter tone. Inside the huge circle, four smaller circles were created, and the shape builder tool was used to subtract these smaller circles on the inside, leaving gaps to make a button shape. To add depth to the button, shadows were generated and stacked behind it. Following the button for the strings being wrapped from each end of the open circles I made one line with a shade of red gradient and a stroke of a darker shade of red. After making one line I made copies for each hole with multiple strings being attached in and out.  
Moving onto the next step I had to make a shirt label. I browsed the internet to template the shirt label, specifically a rough type of fabric that can be used as a tag for a Hawaiian shirt then brought that image from google into Adobe Illustrator. Now for the label tag design I tried to make it as Hawaiian as I can by making the shape of a surf bored with my pattern design added to it. To create the surf bored I used the ellipse tool to draw that outline then retouched it with the curvature tool to spread-out the edges and bottom to have those two lines slanted on an angle inward towards each other effect. The design is effected to look like its being placed directly on the fabric to look like a realistic shirt tag. Next is the wording under the surf bored, I decided to name the brand "Akatsuki Clan From Amegakure Co." because the symbol does represent the Akatsuki afterall and the name Amegakure is the name of the place these group of people are originated from. The wording is in a Bernard font in the colour black with a red stroke weight. It is also effected in a way to have the text placed on the fabric to have its texture.   
Once I was finished with the label design I placed it on the top of the inside part of Hawaiian shirt. 
My overall experience with this project is that I admittedly underestimated the Hawaiian shirt because I didn't think it would take me as much time as it actually did then ended up turning in a late submission. After my submission was graded by professor Jim Kinney he gave feedback on what I should do to pass the project because my first attempt wasn't done right. So I took his advice and submitted it a second time but done properly according to the way its been taught. Taking in Jims feedback has taught me more things about Illustrator like how to create a pattern and what I can incorporate those assets into as well as making buttons, lastly how to infuse a design into texture coming from a separate image. If I could wear my shirt design I definitely would in the exact pattern that it is placed in made by me. I always loved this symbol that represents something so beyond bizarrely inhumane as it was also very inspiring to me that every crime the characters that were apart of this group actually had good intentions behind it. If I could go back in time and tell my past self to put more time into this project I definitely would.        
Hawaiian Shirt

Hawaiian Shirt
