PSA  Campaign

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For our final project we were asked to create a series of three posters for the Ad council. These posters should be public service announcements and address important issues.  They should be 11x17 and should communicate clearly and influence a specific audience. The poster must have a headline/tagline, logo and url as part of a call to action. It should be concept based and utilize creative strategies.
I chose to target my ad campaign at healthy body image. I wanted to focus my message towards Mothers with daughters. Mothers influence their children's body ideals. Mother's that criticize their bodies are teaching their children behaviors that support social anxiety, eating disorders, and depression. I chose the More Than a Body/ Beauty Redefined organization. They are a non-profit group that works on educating and helping teach healthy body image.
In all of my Ads I used the design strategy of physical similarity and material change. I did this by using tomatoes, peas and carrots to represent bodies. The variety of shapes with in each fruit/vegetable type, supports a representation of varying body types. I drew legs, arms, and heads to support this relationship. I created lines and rows to allow the viewer to see contrast in the fruit/vegetable shapes. I isolated a single piece of fruit/vegetable to express how my message effects my whole audience on an individual level. The lone tomato, pea, carrot shows how body image issues feel personal and isolating when the truth is that it is a wide spread issue.

I used information about this issue to create effective text for my design. I choose information that represents a group and asked them to make a change on an individual level. I chose the typeface Centaur because of its weight, serifs, and round letters. I used Trade Gothic to create hierarchy with my tagline.

I enjoyed creating this project. It was difficult to find ways to address this issue without being literal. It pushed my creativity and challenged me to think of a concept that was accurate in an abstract way. Delivering the right text to support the message and connect the concept was challenging. I learned a lot from working on this Ad campaign.

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Body Image PSA

Body Image PSA


Creative Fields