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MISTD- Design for Advance typography - NAT GEO KiDS

MISTD- Merit
Design for Advanced Typography- National Geographic KiDS- What animals can teach us
The Brief 
The chosen brief project five- Biophilia centres around the love of nature and the fact that people do not connect with nature often enough or experience the benefits it has nature on humans. The brief stipulates that we should design a typographic piece that provides an indirect experience and celebrates our human connection with nature, creating awareness of the benefits that nature provides us as humans.  

Theme and context
Themes that are identified are the natural world, nature deficit disorder, why life skills are important for children, and what nature can teach us through their habitats and adaptation to survive. According to The natural world is an incredible wonder and inspires us all. It is the foundation of our economy, society, and indeed our own being. The food we consume, the air we breathe, and the water we use to irrigate our crops are all provided by our trees, rivers, seas, and soils. We also depend on them for a variety of other goods and services that are essential to our wellbeing, enjoyment, and financial well-being. 

The term nature-deficit disorder is not a medical diagnosis but instead is a way to draw attention to and understand the problem which is that our society as a whole is disconnected to nature. Children aren’t safe to play outside and also don’t have the time in urban settings to play outside, they don’t experience childhood as they should. Adult concerns stop children from experiencing nature and play outside. There are five benefits that kids receive while enjoying the outdoors which are: healthy kids, they are motor masters, they get a full sensory experience, they have Improved critical thinking skills, creativity and social skills and they have respect for nature. 

The Specific Problem
The specific problem is that there is a lack of awareness and understanding of nature deficit disorder and the causes thereof. Parents need to know the disadvantages of their children not interacting with nature which is diminished use of the senses, 
attention difficulties, conditions of obesity and higher rates of emotional and physical illnesses. Parents need to be aware of how to make interaction part of life again as the growth of urbanisation and technology are increasing rapidly causing children to lose their connection to nature. The challenge is thus to emphasise the fact that children need nature in order to learn about life, be happy and healthy, within the context of biophilia
 and typography.

The Communication Goal
The communication goal for this project is to communicate to parents and children that their involvement with and appreciation for nature will benefit children in many ways like having healthy kids, improved critical thinking, creativity and social skills etc. 
The celebration of nature and inevitably, the preservation and conservation thereof as people are losing their connection towards nature. The goal is to change people's perception about how their understanding of nature is misled and out of sync, and resurrection for this sublime connection to nature starts at a young age. 

Magazine 1:
The Creative Strategy
The plan is to spark love and excitement for nature through relating humans to animal habitats and adaptation to survive and thrive. The rapid increase of urbanisation and technology takes away the love and excitement for nature as the disconnection gets bigger, by emphasising that parents are encouraged and educated to encourage their children to go outside and interact with nature, letting go of the strong hold urbanisation and technology has on children which causes Nature Deficit Disorder. This will be done by educating children of nature's wonders and the benefits thereof. This will spark children's love for nature and get them excited to explore and go outside. ​​​​​​​
The Creative Concept
This project aims to compare the animal kingdom to things that are essential to children which is safety and protection, social adaptability and wellbeing. These are all things that children could learn a great deal from how the animal kingdom applies it to their lives to survive. The concept centers around how nature can teach children how to live their lives to achieve that goal. Life lessons will be learnt through celebrating nature and embracing children through their unique, wacky talents relating it to nature. 

The final Execution 
The project consists of three limited edition magazines, each with a unique theme.
The magazines aims to educate children about nature and make them excited to engage more with nature by sparking their curiosity in all things nature. Each magazine centres around things children would need in their lives, like safety and protection, social adaptability and wellbeing. The final goal would be to draw in parents as well, to convince them subscribe to the magazine for their children. The plan is to make use of illustrative typographic visuals and easy to read text to enable children to learn with words and images. Visuals are created specifically for each limited edition magazine - safety and protection, social adaptability, and wellbeing. 

Spreads and information are organized in a self-made geometrical, diagonal grid.
An introduction is followed by background on the specific topic, whereafter facts about the natural world are stated and translated into life lessons for children. Activities, puns and jokes are also inserted to create a fun and interactive and engaged experience. Visuals centre around the topic and context of the body copy on each spread. 

Magazine 2:
Magazine 3:

Thank you for watching!
MISTD- Design for Advance typography - NAT GEO KiDS

MISTD- Design for Advance typography - NAT GEO KiDS
