Project Type: Produced
Client: Stemwater Farms
Product Launch Location: India
Packaging Contents: Hydroponic Produce
Stemwater Farms, a certified hydroponic farming company in India, started with the intent to promote conscious living by delivering residue-free, healthy, purer than organic produce. As a creative agency, we wanted to give them designs that would be an extension of their personality — clean, neat and sophisticated.

We produced these label designs inspired from the company's logo itself. In the first design style, the body of the label is constructed in two parts. The upper part bears the company's logo with tagline and the bottom portion bears product details. A little window in-between allows consumers to see the content within and at the same time offer visual balance. Second design style is a wrap around label where the flap bears the company logo with tagline. The color of the label is deep blue same as the color of the brand. A thick band at the bottom of the label is color coded  just as product name for easy identification. The content of the label points out the USP of the company with respective icons designed by us. Every aspect of the design works in favor of the company while enhancing and reiterating the essence of the brand

Stemwater Farms

Stemwater Farms
