Day: 1
Prompt: Crystal

Here is my first drawing for @inktober this year - a crystal girl. :)

Day: 2
Prompt: Suit

Well, here are some serious men in suits. :D

Day: 3
Prompt: Vessel

"I can't wait to grow up to become a captain of a vessel. I want it now and I want to create the vessel by myself."
In a few minutes:
"There!! Everybody, get the on board! Here we go!!" :)

Day: 4
Prompt: Knot

"Uhhh! That tie knot doesn't look correct."
"Really? I think is just perfect. I spend an hour trying to make it look good."
"Oh, yeah??? Is that so? Because you are always right, right? You men have to always be right, ah? "The knot is perfect, because I did it." ...The knot is awful, I'll tell ya. Why don't you just accept it and admit that I'm right!? Just for once?!!"
"But, darling I can't see what is wrong with that knot.. I just..."
"No! I'm not getting into this this time. Here let me fix it and you will see your mistake."
She "fixed" the knot.
"There! See?! I was right, am I?... Why don't you say so? Or you want to start all over with "men are always right and women are wrong" and bla bla bla..."
"Uhhh! Well.... I.... Okey, okey you are right. The knot looks better that way."
"Really??!?! (In disbelief) I was sure you are not like everybody else. Thank you!"
She kissed him.
"Uhhh! ... What do you think - wouldn't it be better without a tie at all?... The ties are a bit old fashioned, aren't they?" 🤣

Day: 5
Prompt: Raven

"Hello, raven, my dear friend. I haven't seen you for a while. Come, come and tell me everything you've seen while flying above the world. Let me see this untouchable world through your eyes. Let me fly will you, my dear friend."

Day: 6
Prompt: Spirit

I feel that sometimes my body and my spirit do different things and have a different opinions about something. Like when my kids went to bed, and finally I'm free for few minutes before someone wakes up, my spirit screams : "Yeahhh...! I will draw, I will read, I will dance, I will eat ..." But my body does...well...sleeps. 😂

Day: 7
Prompt: Fan

Here some character of a geisha with kimono and her dangerous fan. :)
Day: 8
Prompt: Watch

"Oh, those chocolate cookies with chocolate cream and chocolate pieces on top are sooo good. I can understand why mom hides them in the forbidden drawer... with all the candies, and the rest of the good stuff. Have you tried them, Oskar?... Oskar? Oskar... Oskar watch out!!! Someone is coming. Oskar!!!!"
Too late... Mom came...

Day: 9
Prompt: Pressure

"Mom, you"ve bought a cake for the pizza party tonight!?! You are awesome!!"
"Ooohhh! Thank you my dear, you are so sweet. Well, this is actually not a cake, sunshine, it's you dress and I'm so glad you like it."
"Dress? What I need a dress for, mom? It will be a PIZZA party, not a party for spoiling princesses. Everybody would probably wear Snickers and jeans."
"Been different is not a bad thing, my dear. You will thank me shortly afterwards."
"It won't be necessary. I'm not going."
"Yes you are and you will be the most beautiful and ..."
"No, no, no! No chance!"
After a few minutes the mom put the dress on her daughter and they went out.
"See? You look just amazing!"
"Mom, you put pressure on me. I don't want to go, I told you!"
"Ohhh, how can you say that? I do everything for you and you just can see it! Aaahhhhaaa (crying)..."
"Okey, okey, I'm going. Just stop crying, please!"
After the party.
"How was a party, my sweetest?"
"Funny... Everybody laughed at me..."
"You've been the most important person in the party then. Great! And what your beloved Oskar said about you?"
"He said that I look like a cake. (she was grumpy)."
"Oh, wonderful!!"
"He probably wanted to say that "You look so sweet!", but he is a shy boy and instead of "sweet" he used "cake" as metaphor."
"Oh! I haven't thought of that. Well, that's not so bad then. Thank you, mom!
"No problem, my dear! I told you you will thank me afterwards. Moms know best, that's all!

Day: 10
Prompt: Pick

"Well, well...Hello, young lady. Do you want to know something about your feature? I'm sure you do. Come, come on, don't be shy... Pick a card and we will see what will be the road that the card will lead you through. But don't pick so fast, choose wisely. The card will follow your choose."😈.

Day: 11
Prompt: Sour

It's so fun to watch how babies try lemon for a first time. 😂

Day: 12
Prompt: Stuck

I was so stuck with the prompt "stuck". But then I thought of a cat. (Cats always save the day, don't they? :D) And then I decided to draw a little story with one fluffy cat - stuck in a box. :D

Day: 13
Prompt: Roof

At night nothing seems to be the way it is. Everything looks more strange and scary and you have the uncomfortable feeling that something is watching you from the shadows or fly away from the root.
Boooo! 🦇🦇

Day: 14
Prompt: Tick

Inktober 2021
Day: 14
Prompt: Tick

I've been thinking about time for long time. It's something that interested me a lot and I've been constantly looking for answers.
For this drawing I imagine that everyone has they own invisible clock. And although the clock may be different for each of us, it tick the same way for everybody - just it feels different.
For example - for this old lady, time may be passes so slowly, and it's seems that her clock is heavy and uneasy to be carried.
For the man in middle age time is something that needs to be carefully considered because every minute is precious.
For the young kid - time doesn't matter much. He can play with it and do whatever he wants. No pressure.
And for that little baby - time doesn't exist... yet, because she doesn't know about it's existence and her clock is may be light as a feather. And here the time flies so fast.

So how fast your clock is ticking? And how heavy you feel your clock is? ⏰

Day: 15
Prompt: Helmet

Hey, guys!
I was thinking to challenge myself more this time and get away from my comfort zone (hhhmm, now I wonder what my comfort zone is. 😂) and draw some vehicle in addition to the helmet. So here it is. I'm not sure if this could actually be driven, but anyway - I had fun with the perspective and found out that drawing vehicles is actually pretty awesome. I will definitely try do draw another one some day, (after I do some research on the subject and learn more about perspective.)
Hope you like it. :)

Day: 16
Prompt: Compass

"Okay, kids, as you know your mom is so kind and she carefully prepared everything we need for our day trip. We have three pairs of clothes each. We have another pair of clothes if the weather becomes cold. We have additional pairs of shoes, just in case and all kind of hats for all kind of weather (you never know when is going to snow, right?) We have a bag full of medicine for everything. We have three big bottles of water; two sandwiches for everyone. One cooking pot and all we need to prepare ourselves a vegetable soup, because, as your mother says - "You can eat sandwiches the whole day". Also we have a book with recipes so we can prepare our soup properly. We have apples, can't go out without them. We have spoons, knifes (safety covered in some paper and clothes), forks, cups for afternoon tee. We have books so we can read stories while we are resting. We have a tent to get a nap at 2pm and blankets too. We have a ball and a chess to play with and drawing supplies if we want to draw outside. I have my phone with sound switched ON (very important!) and a clock so we can go back home before dinner at 7pm. (Also very important!) And at last we have a compass - if we get lost we can easily find the way back home ... Kids? Do you know how to use a compass? ... Hum neither do I.... "
After thinking about it for a few minutes:
"Kids, I have an idea! Why don't we just stay here, in our backyard, for our day trip? It would be way easier and there is no need to bother if we get lost or if we cut the vegetables for the soup incorrectly - your mom will be around and she can always help us if we need...How about that?"
"Yeahhh! We are going to our backyard for a trip! Yeah!!! "

P.S. I'm not the mom from behind-the-scenes... Seriously, I'm not!... Well, just a little... Little, little... Okey, okey that's me. ME! I know that I'm a pain in the neck, but come on what can you do without me, ah?? 😂😂😂

Day: 17
Prompt: Collide

"Do you remember that day when you and I collided on a street? At that time I was reading what it turned out to be one of your favorite book."
"How can I forget?! And do you remember that I had to tell you the rest of the book, because the book itself flew away?" 🖤

ay: 18
Prompt: Moon

Hi guys!
Have you ever had the feeling that the moon is watching you whatever you go at night? Well I do. Inspired by that I tried to depict the moon as a character of a woman in every moon phases. Also I tried to draw each phase as a character develops in time - from new born baby to a old woman.

Day: 19
Prompt: Loop

Hi guys!
I'm a huge Salvador Dali fan. I have a big collection of albums and books about him. In one of the books I've read there was a story about how he created window-dolls for a shop. The window-dolls were transparent and filled with water. In the water he put some fish that were swimming around the body as it seems to imitated blood circulation. I hound this fascinating.
Inspired by that - I drew inside of this female robot character a fish going around in a loop. 🐠

Day: 20
Prompt: Sprout

I truly believe that the Nature will find it's way out! 🌱🌱

Day: 21
Prompt: Fuzzy

"Wow! Your fuzzy hair is absolutely AMAZING! I need to grow mine longer. Now I can only hide some of my friends in there, because .. you know... they are shy and don't like people much and this kind of stuff. You feel me, right? What are you hiding in there?"
"Myself! ... I'm hiding myself from some very-annoying-people-that-can-talk-too-much."
"Ohhh! That's so cool!! Awesome idea! I need to try it, because, I can tell ya there are some people that are so annoying and ask me about the shampoo that I use and you know, right? BTW that kind a shampoo do you use? And ........"
:D 😅🤣

Day: 22
Prompt: Open

Do you know that feeling, when you haven't eaten for days and you suddenly found a dollar laid there on the ground waiting for someone to pick it up? Than you rushed fast to the bakery and waited there the whole night to open so you can buy some slices of bread. Do you know that feeling? I really hope you don't.
But don't feel sorry about this little boy. He Is a good boy and he will manage his way into the world and at least he has someone to share his meal with, someone who loves him. Image that there are people who are rich but have no one to share they diner with.
I reckon you better feel sorry for those.

Day: 23
Prompt: Leak

"It was a hot summer morning. I was lying down on the beach and enjoyed the moment. All of a sudden I saw her. She was coming from the water light as a feather, tender as silk, shining as the sun. The salty water leaked from her hair as it was a part of her. I was blinded for a moment and when I opened my eyes she was gone.
Was she real?
May be not.
One little shell was somehow laying on my palm. It's smelled as salty water."

Day: 24
Prompt: Extinct

To have a mammoth mother it must had been wonderful, isn't it? 🦣

Day: 25
Prompt: Splat

Are you ready for Halloween, yet?
Well I don't have a costume but my mood gets spooky. 💀😈

Day: 26
Prompt: Connect

When you always do what people say what HAVE to be done and not what you feel what is actually good you start to loose the connection with your heart.

Day: 27
Prompt: Spark

I want to introduce you the queen of night with her sparkling dress. 🖤

Day: 28
Prompt: Crispy

If you are a witch, well, a good witch, and you want to have a Halloween party at your witchy basement but you don't have much space for all the food and you have too many witches and wizards friends that you want to invite, well you are on the right place. I've created some crispy witchy hats that can be used instead of plates with food. They are delicious, easy to wear, you don't need an additional space to put them on and you can eat as much as you want from them and they would never finished. Also you can choose from five different flavors - an ice cream melting hat with crispy cornet; a potato crispy chips hat; a crispy chocolate cookie hat; a crispy popcorn hat and a crispy French fries hat with catchup on top. 😅

Day: 29
Prompt: Patch

I'm in a mood to draw characters lately so here is the Rag monster. He Is one very nice little creature who likes to eat socks and clothes. If you miss something from your laundry now you know who's took it.

Day: 30
Prompt: Slither

There was something about her that wasn't quite right. She seemed nice but I felt that behind her back her hair turned into slithering snakes. I better stay away from her. 🐍

Day: 31
Prompt: Risk

It's a bit risky to have a wild animal for a friend, right? But at least he would be the most honest friend that you would ever had - you will know if he doesn't like you for sure..., would probably understand about that after death. :D 🐻

Inktober 2021

Inktober 2021
