For this project I had to design a fire extinguisher with a well known car brand in mind. I chose to design one for Tesla.

I started the project by making collages of the brand principles, shapes and details that fit with Tesla.
After analysing the shapes and details used by tesla I started sketching some ideas with my findings in mind.
After the sketching I  started making models of some sketches I liked and fitted with the collages I made before to get a grasp on de size of the product.
After making the rough models I did some more ideations on the handle using Photoshop.
After determining the size And shape of the product I put a rough model of the product into Solidworks to use for making my end model later on.
I also used screenshots of the model to make a quick concept picture.
After having the design finished I made the final model using foam.
Fire extinguisher

Fire extinguisher
