Elise Meulemans's profile

samhain/halloween celebration

(my illustration for samhain)

happy samhain everyone
samhain -starting this evening until tomorrow 1 november- is one of my favorite celebrations, as in this period the veil between the physical world and the spirit world is the most thin.
we honour our dead loved ones who left their body, to join the spirit world.
to connect with our ancestors.
today marks the end of the harvest season and the beginning of winter and the darker part of the year. (in the northern hemisphere).
for me samhain is also about being grateful and celebrate life. to realise that every day is a gift, but also to end the taboo about death and seeing it as the powerful transition it is and how death is a part of life.

as every year I will celebrate samhain with being in nature, turning inwards and reflecting, praying, expressing gratitude and enjoying delicious warm meals at candlelight.
samhain/halloween celebration


samhain/halloween celebration
