Mary Mercado's profile

ART230 Project 2 - Business Cards

ART230 | Project 02 | Business Cards
PhotoShop Mock-up of Project 02 Business Cards
For the project were asked to design business cards using only typography to create a business card for our own business.
Business Card Front
For my business card I used the typeface Neue Haas Grotesk Bold to create a brandmark using my initials. I really liked how the lower case f in white created negative space and added a focal point to my design. I also liked adding the gold color to my name and phone icons to draw the eye to important information on the card. I used a combination of Bodoni MT Poster Condensed for my name and Bodoni MT Regular for the rest of the information. The only except was my title. For that I used Avenir Next LT Pro Regular to bring contrast to the type.
Business Card Back
For the back of the business card I created a pattern with a hexagon and a lower case m. Then I placed my initials in upper center in Neue Haas Grotesk and added my name centered just below the midline in Bodoni MT Poster Condensed. I placed a white rectangle beneath the name to help it stand out against the background.
ART230 Project 2 - Business Cards

ART230 Project 2 - Business Cards
