Matthew Wilson's profile

Double Fine Fan Art

Artwork Feature: 20 Double Fine Years Game Art
I have been an Xbox fan ever since my dad brought home that original bundle with JSRF and Sega GT and Blinx. I play many xbox games to this day since I love the art style and story telling form that time period. I also got a chance to play the original Psychonauts on my PC during quarantine since it was free on Humble Bundle. Similar to many others, I was hooked on Psychonauts immediately. Because of my new found love of Double Fine I preordered the art book the first chance I got. I also followed them on twitter which is how I found out they were accepting fan art into the book for a limited time. While this is one of many publications for me, this one is special since it supports a group of creatives that have made a big impact on my life.

The book was worth the wait!
My name is #2.
My art and those of many others who support Double Fine.
Double Fine Fan Art


Double Fine Fan Art


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