Report published in journal “Brain and cognitivity” claims that chewing gum affects up to 8 brain regions.
However, new results do not match earlier research of Cardiff University that showed that people who chew gums have problems to remember numbers and letters.
It turned out that glucose from fruit can fastest provide energy for brain activity.
Prof. dr. Gold says that with high glucose consumption, there is a phase of memory improvement, but only to the certain point. After that, there is a slow-down phase when the dose plays no role in it anymore.
Fish consumption once a week enhances verbal and spatial intelligence averagely for 6%, while more often consumption does the same for 11%.
The study that involved almost 4000 examinees showed that the adolescents who eat fish at least once a week achieve better results at intelligence tests, no matter the level of education of their parents.
Gistro Pattern

Gistro Pattern

Pattern design with interesting/irrelevant data.
