Dungeons&Dragons Tarots
This is a personal project born from my passion for the Tarots' aesthetics and the RPG world. 
I created the illustrations and graphics for some of the Tarots' Major Arcana inspired by Dungeons&Dragons' classes and symbols.
All the illustrations are realized with pencil on paper, scanned and digitally coloured, prototypes are 18,5x9,5 cm.
I chose to mantain a different monochromatic palette for every single card to create a stronger contrast.

Every card features symbolic elements from the illustrations of the classic French Tarots deck, revisited in a fantasy key and paired with different characters:
- The Moon - a Druid, representing femininity, dreams and visions;
-The Strenght - a Barbarian, representing inner strenght and determination ;
-The Wheel of Fortune - a dice set, representing the casualty of fate and destiny;
-The Hermit - a Rogue, representing a mission, being in a research;
-The Fool - a Bard, representing creativity, spiritual freedom and new beginnings;
-The Magician - a Wizard, representing power an energy coming from within;
-The Pope - a Cleric representing loyalty and some sort of spiritual calling;
-The Judgement - the Dungeon Master, representing changings and challenges in life.

Here some examples of possible combinations of cards. The back of the cards is also designed by me and realized with pencil on paper, scanned and digitally coloured.

Thank you for watching!
D&D Tarots


D&D Tarots

A selection of tarots cards with characters inspired by Dungeons&Dragons (and in general rpg world) imagery
