Purple Cow Orange Bullet (2019)
5 yrd x 3 yrd
Silkscreen on cotton muslin

Got Milk? A phrase that swept across the early 2000s and almost every big name in Hollywood jumped on the campaign. The Got Milk campaign merely aimed to get citizens of the United States to consume more milk under the guise of it improving you physical health. Purple Cow Orange Bullet (PCOB) uses Got Milk motifs embedded in the background of the banner accompanied by dozens of cows with the phrase "THE AVERAGE COW MAKES 30¢ TO THE WHITE MAN'S DOLLAR". Playing off of PETA's ads about how you can not be a feminist without going vegan and comparing women to animals. Specifically, a PETA ad from 2010 features a nearly nude Pamela Anderson to a cow by marking her body with different types of meat that would normally be displayed on a cow's body. With PCOB I wanted to highlight how white feminism and white veganism forms of protest often go hand in hand without considering people of color and often times putting animal lives at a higher priority than other humans who are not afforded the same rights that white individuals are already granted.

Purple Cow Orange Bullet

Purple Cow Orange Bullet
