Personal project | 5SECONDS | 2021

 5SECONDS is a series of short repetitive animations of 5 seconds. 
The topics approached will be varied, what connects them will be time.
What if something so simple that we don't value too much and that always follows us, such as shadows, suddenly came to life and acted against nature? How would that seem to you?

02_Among the clouds
What if we could free ourselves from all that is physical and become air? What if we managed to free ourselves from everything around us, from all the limits and rules of physics and become not only free, but pure freedom?

Give me a shooting star and I'll make a wish. I will not want so much, but to be able to feel and share in the freest and most vulnerable way. I wish all of us could feel good about ourselves and the world we live in.
I feel like there are so many beautiful things out there and we are so stubborn to ignore them.

04_Surprise visit
Is it a visitor, a courier or a neighbor?
I don't know what it's like for you, but when I don't expect to receive guests and someone knocks on the door, all sorts of scenarios start to unfold in my mind.



