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Career Coaching Service for Undergraduates

Using Service Design Tools To Improve The Experience of Undergraduate Students
2021 | Independent Project | User Research | Journey Mapping | Service Design
How might we help undergraduate students experience smoother educational journey and have higher return on investment after their studies?
Data Analysis
User Archetypes
Student Journey
When commencing undergraduate studies, most students are not certain about their specialization choice. More often than not, their choice is influenced by external factors, such as family, friends, social perception, peer pressure, etc.
Students have very different characters, talents and aspirations but at the beginning, they are not necessarily well-aware of their strengths, weaknesses and long-term lifestyle preferences.
During their studies, both motivated and unmotivated students suffer from peer pressure and anxiety about the future. The motivated ones suffer because of competition and constant comparisons, while the unmotivated ones suffer because of inability to balance social and academic activities and because of increasing worries about their future.
Student don't engage with the university's current career center despite the fact that even towards the culmination of their studies, they keep feeling uncertain about their career development and integration to the professional world.
Students are not satisfied with the professionalization and networking opportunities that the university presents. On the one hand, they do not feel prepared to connect theory with practice. On the other hand, they do not find enough international exchange and personal development opportunities.
AUA Career Club is a dedicated professional development service consisting of self-discovery workshops and professionalizing exercises planned for each academic year, as well as personalized multi-platform coaching available throughout the entire education journey. 
Mobile App Accompaniment
As currently email is the only official communication channel of the university’s existing career center, many students that only quickly scan their emails miss the opportunities that the university offers. So, one of the service touchpoints will be the AUA Career Lab Mobile App, where students will be able to communicate with their coaches, check online useful resources, schedule coaching sessions, get access to the partner network, etc.
Students can open accounts with their existing AUA email, or Moodle account. They will be able to see the workshop agenda of AUA Career Club in advance and book individual online, or offline appointments with their personal coaches.
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Career Coaching Service for Undergraduates


Career Coaching Service for Undergraduates
