This was the back yard when I purchased my home.
We added shrubs in the back for privacy (see white blobs along left side in back curving to the right).
It was my dream to add a larger patio, so I kicked around a few ideas, price the different options and decided on this covered porch design.
We submitted the plans to the HOA and county for approval.
My husband volunteered to do the demolition work.
We contracted the concrete work, since neither if us wanted to attempt this part.
We opted for a stained finish with diagonal cuts to simulate large format tile.  The contractor did a great job!
Once the concrete was cured, we began to build the structure.
The fellows at the lumber yard helped calculate the size of the laminated beam. It wasn't as heavy as we thought it would be!
The roof joists went up quickly.
It's starting to look like the drawings! Getting excited!
Project creep... we decided to add lighting and decided to finish the ceiling.
Almost done!  We couldn't wait til it was done to entertain so out came the patio furniture. The furniture is all mismatched and some so dingy looking... that's next on the project list!
Finishing up the trim work on the inside gable.  Final photos will be posted soon - working on the patio furniture now...! 
Covered Patio

Covered Patio


Creative Fields