If the balance of our lives had not one scale of reason to poise another of sensuality by the blood and baseness of our natures would conduct us to most preposterous conclusions. Have I ever told you about my irrational fear of baby cows?
What kind of species aren't proud of the shape of its own body? Be patient. This is a fair and balanced agreement where each counts will benefit. For once in your life, use your dubious skills for good.
For many observers, the world is witnessing rising levels of ethnic, cultural and religious intolerance, often using the same communication technologies. This also leads to new modes of intolerance. Perhaps try poise and worry about grace later.
We have acquired a dreadful disharmony an imbalance, if you will, between our material and our spiritual development. This is an uncomfortable sense of discord, disharmony, confusion, or conflict experienced in the midst of change in the cultural environment. If sarcasm of perception could have killed, culture shock would have slain us on the spot.
A balance


A balance
