Constanza Coscia's profile

1367 - divining design trends

1367 is the trend research project aimed at spotting the emerging trends that in this phase of disruptive transformations and recurring discontinuities are redefining our contemporary scenario, therefore providing valuable food for thought to ignite designers' creativity. 
The evidence that resulted from this choral trend analysis has been in fact represented through the metaphor of a mysterious deck of tarots, telling us of a future that is already here yet unevenly distributed. Tarots are an artifice of ancient tradition used to predict the future and inspire hypothetical thinking, whose origins, interestingly enough, date back to 1367 in the North of Italy, subsequently spreading across Europe as an esoteric ritual. 
Trends Research Direction: Elena Marinoni

Trends divined by: 
Giulia Ancona
Paula Alonso Gonzalez
Eugenio Basso 
Leonardo Cavalluzzi
Kathriena Cazandra Espeleta 
Paula Coll Iturriaga 
Silvia Doktorova
Laman Gasimova
Giovanni Gridelli
Rachele Guarini
Irene Iori
Camila Jalil
Campbell Johnson
Evgeniia Kiseleva
Lorenzo Lietti
Stefania Luraghi
Emiliano Maletta
Yasmin Mansour
Virginia Marcon
Claudia Matarazzi
Elena Michieli
Ludovica Misciattelli
Cecilia Monteleone
Roberta Ruggiero
Diana Tabbara
Ye Zi

Art Direction and Illustrations: Constanza Coscia
Video Editing and Animations: Yuetong Shi
thank you!
1367 - divining design trends


1367 - divining design trends
