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5 Reasons to Avoid GMOs in Your Diet

            5 Reasons to Avoid GMOs in Your Diet

GMO means genetically modified organism. Anything that has had its genes altered including foods we eat is considered GMO. In the food industry, since the early 1980s, the use of GMOs in crops, produce, seeds, cattle, chicken, and pigs have become pervasive. Here are 5 good reasons to avoid GMOs in your diet:  

                     Heavy use of chemical ingredients

You wouldn’t raid your garden shed and start drinking the various chemicals in there used to kill pests and destroy weeds in your garden, so why should your everyday food ingredients be any different? 

One of the biggest downsides to consuming a diet with a lot of genetically modified organisms (GMOs) is the fact that they tend to contain such large volumes of chemical ingredients. These food products tend to be mass-produced on an industrial scale hence the use of GMO’s, pesticides, and herbicides for quick and cheap production.
Generally, GMOs are grown in conditions that require heavy dosages of chemical fertilizers and pesticides to help the crops to grow fast and to prevent bugs and insects from feasting on the crops. These chemical ingredients in large volumes will do the human body no good at all. 

The more GMO crops and livestock containing GMOs you consume, the more of these toxic chemical pesticides and fertilizers you will likely be consuming.  
In the context of meat for example, we always recommend choosing organic lamb, beef or pork to ensure no GMOs.

                          GMOs can damage your digestive health

Another reason to avoid GMOs in your diet is down to the fact that GMOs can negatively impact your digestive health. 

As mentioned, GMOs use chemical pesticides and the main aim of these is to kill off unwanted insects and pests. Herbicides will also often be used, which are designed to kill weeds. 

Studies have found that consuming GMOs in large quantities, however, can negatively impact your digestive health. This is because the chemicals used in the production of these GMO food sources can destroy the healthy and beneficial bacteria found within your stomach. 

Food allergies and digestive health issues are at all-time highs, and this is almost certainly down to the consumption of GMOs. 
If you are looking to avoid GMOs look for the Non-GMO Project Verified logo.

                     GMOs damage the environment

Another reason to avoid GMOs is that they damage the environment. 
GMOs are produced using a lot of harmful chemicals which can leach into the soil, find their way into the water table, contaminate other crops, kill the soil microbiome, and kill off important species of insects. 

The world’s dwindling bee population is down to certain types of pesticides used in the production of GMO crops, which is why they have been banned in a lot of countries. 
If you want to do your bit for the environment, be sure to cut GMOs out of your diet and choose regeneratively raised crops or livestock such as natural, grass-fed organic beef.

                     GMOs can damage your health

Because GMOs have been linked with digestive issues, allergies, chronic inflammation, and more besides, experts are concerned about the long-term implications of eating a diet rich in GMO produce. 

Studies have found very strong evidence which links GMOs and the chemicals used to produce them, to an increased risk of chronic diseases and health issues, including cancer, cognitive-developmental issues in children, fertility issues in adults, and heart disease. It should come as no surprise that the explosion in childhood Autism runs parallel to the explosion of GMOs and pesticides in food.

                                                   Organ damage

As well as increasing your risk of suffering from a chronic disease or health issue, there is also very strong evidence to suggest that long-term consumption of GMOs can lead to damage to vital internal organs. 

GMOs have been found to damage the internal organs of mammals, particularly the kidneys, liver, adrenal glands, heart, and spleen. 

In Summary, there is more and more research pointing to GMOs and their long-term safety in specific areas of how they affect human health and the ecosystem at large.  

5 Reasons to Avoid GMOs in Your Diet


5 Reasons to Avoid GMOs in Your Diet


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