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Butcher shop brandig

Brand creation for a premium butcher shop

Task: Development of the main positioning, key messages, concept and legend of the brand, slogan, corporate style and brand book
Client: Meat boutique "Pri Miase"
The number of people who like to eat a good steak is growing rapidly. This is certainly facilitated by modern gastronomic trends. New delicious meat restaurants, culinary channels on youtube and other social networks are opening. And even the cinema is increasingly showing us juicy pieces of tender meat eaten by the main characters. And, of course, the number of people willing to cook their own dish from the "right" meat is growing exponentially.

It was here that the founders of the meat boutique "Pri Miase" saw a brilliant business idea: people should be able to buy and prepare a product that was carefully selected and prepared for them by professionals. There is a business plan, the size of the investment is clear, special equipment has been purchased, but how to declare yourself on the market? How to determine your main positioning by answering the main question: "who are we?" The founders of Primyase approached us, the branding agency MindRepublic, with this task.
First of all, we held a briefing for the founders of the company, which takes place using a special psychological method. This allows us to understand the structure of the company's values ​​as best as possible and immerse ourselves as closely as possible in the very business idea of ​​the client.

Then we conducted a market research, determining, firstly, the main positioning of competitors, and secondly, we got a picture of what is happening in this segment in the region of interest to us. To do this, we carefully analyzed what exactly competitors declare about themselves, what semantic accents their communication contains. In the future, this will allow us to build up and stand out favorably in the market. After that, we created a hypothesis regarding the supposed portrait of the consumer, dividing it into groups and describing the supposed motivation and reflection.
To ensure the consistency of all future layouts and communication accents, we have developed a brand book for the company. Conceptually, it is divided into two parts: a communication strategy and a guideline. It is the guideline that can be given to various design studios, so that even the most talented design creative fits into some given framework, ensuring the unity of the company's corporate identity.
More about the project - https://mindrepublic.ru/portfolio/sozdanie-brenda-kompanii-pri-myase/
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Butcher shop brandig

Butcher shop brandig
