Sarah Brodie's profile

Community Keepers 2021

Business Problem: 
One of the concepts we need to share with the world is the importance of "Active Listening". This concept is important for all caregivers but is not often taught. 

Spread awareness of the Community Keepers brand, as well as the concept of Active listening through a video or video series 

Desired consumer response: 
In terms of the consumer problem that needs to be solved through the creation of a video, our team aims to inform the viewers about the necessary steps needed for proper communication between adults and children. Through the use if the video, as well as the inclusion of key information, the desired consumer response would be for the viewers to implement these core steps into their daily routines. 
The media channels in which the educational videos will be released on YouTube and Facebook. A key consideration to take into account when posting is the correct prime posting time, where users are most active and likely to see the Community Keepers posts. 

The aim of the campaign is to be reached, viewed and shared by a large number of adults who are parents and teachers. 
The core benefit and message of the ouptu will be communicated through the use of relatable, eversay situtions in order to create an understanding amongst the viewers of the video. 

The main objective of the output is to create awareness around the importance of active listening and proper forms of communication. 
Community Keepers 2021

Community Keepers 2021
