In this project I simply took a picture that I was taken during my vacation and used the adjustment layer that makes images black and white. This is a very useful task and not just in digital media, but also in social media. Many people like to add different filters to their photos to give them a different look. 
In this project I took the same photo that I made black and white, but instead used a different filter. This filter is more of a red effect and it gives more emphasis on the target in the photo. This filter can easily be found in the social networking site Instagram. 
In this filter theres a considerable increase in the amount of red, which is demonstrated in the skin of Marilyn Monroe. This filter is more primarily used to spicen up a picture. It makes the image much more lively. 
This is the original image that I later put a filter on to give more emphasis on the couple themselves. As one would be able to conclude this picture isn't that intense as it could be. The background is blurred, but a lot more could've been done. 
This is the final product of the picture of the couple. This filter makes the image ten times better, because it brings more emphasis to the couple, making it the only thing the audience can look at. It also increases the intensity of what's hapening in the image.  
This is the original image of a rainbow over a mountain. This image is considerably clear and visible, but it could've been done better, because the focus isn't clear. 
This is the final product of the rainbow over the mountain. The focus is obvious. The audience willl look at the rainbow first, because it's in the middle. Their attention, however will soon be brought to the mountain, because of the color correction. 
In this project I gave this image multiple filters. This was more of a cold, freezing filter. I wanted to give the image more of a winter feeling, which was ironic, because the picture iis of a summer vacation resort. I even made the water in the picture icy and added more blue to the curves.
This was more of the pleasant, spring break or summer type of feeling that I wanted to give. This filter gave that image that feeling perfectly. I added more red than anything to the curves. 
This was another image that I put a filter on. Instead of just changing the constrast, curves and leaving it like that, I decided to split the image in half so the target audience could see the before and after and compare. The difference is obvious, because the after is so much clearer. 
After splitting the image in half so people could see the before and after, I wanted people to see the final product alone. Seeing the final product alone is important. It allows the audience to see the final image for what it really it is. 
This was the final product of another image that I added a filter to. The improvement really showed, especially in the water. I increased the constrast, but also added a little blue to the curves. I tend to not use the curves when doing color correction. 
This was the before and after of the image above. I really wanted to make the difference known in the entire picture, and not just in one aspect of the image. As you can see the improvement is evident in the mountains, trees, and in the water. 
This was also an image that I put adjustment layers on to color correct it. Its funny because the water is actually two completley different colors, so someone might have a hard time understanding what improvement is made. The buildings however are much clearer. 
This is the before and after of the color corrected image above. As was stated earlier the image is much clearer. But the aspects of the image are much cleaner. The colors of the buildings, and the boats are clearer and much easier to see. 
This is the before and after depiction of Sydney, Australia. As you can see the after is on the left, because it's clearer and cleaner. The before just looks dry and dull. 
This is the final product of the Sydney, Australia image. The picture looks clearer, because all of the colors that are intended to be emphasized are now enhanced due to the color correction. Whereas before editing this image, those colors weren't being highligted.  
This was a grassy image that I did multiple depictions of. This particular depiction was less intense. The amount of constrast was very low, because I wanted all the aspects to still blend. 
This was a different version of the grassy picture. The constrast was considerably higher, to add more intensity. The red, green and blue of the curve adjustment, were also close to their maximum. 
Adjustment Layers

Adjustment Layers

Adjusting layers
