10% End of Life Care

Within the Greenside Design Centre 10% initiative, our group called End of life care, focused on palliative care. 
Gesture, our sub group was tasked with designing or redesigning objects for everyday life within palliative care. We were meant to customize for the everyday user and provide affordable alternatives. The main focus of Gesture was centred around movement within palliative care. 

Gesture aims to establish Dignity, independence and confidence within their users. The concept is to breathe Every Day Life into your body through independent movement with every step.
Our first Product we designed is called the Gesture Lift. It is an entirely 3D printed, portable, light weight, it can be used on multiple couches and is an affordable alternative to an existing product called a chair lift, priced at R14 000,00. The Gesture Lift is priced at R 1 762,91, making the price difference R 12 237,09.
The following are 3D in situation renders of the Gesture Lift to understand the scale.
Mini 3D printed prototype of Gesture Lift
The Second Product we designed is called the Gesture Support. It is made from an existing clothing rail repurposed for balance and assistance when standing up, the product is also very easy to move around (with portable wheels built in). It is an excellent alternative to an existing product used for assistance when getting up, priced at R1 058,00. The Gesture Support is priced at R 245,00, making the price difference R 813,00.
The following are 3D in situation renders of the Gesture Support to understand the scale.
The Third and final Product we designed is called the Gesture Bedrail. It is made from an existing ironing board repurposed for assistance out of bed when getting up, the product is simple to assemble and durable. It is a better alternative to an existing product used for assistance when getting out of bed, priced at R1 058,00. The Gesture Bedrail is priced at R 476, 00, making the price difference R 582.00.
The following are 3D in situation renders of the Gesture Bedrail to understand the scale.
To scale life size prototype of the Gesture Bedrail
The user manual mock-up for the Gesture Lift is designed with the exact same template as the manuals for the other 2 products. The manuals are easy to follow, have beautiful step by step illustrations to help you build the products. 
The user manual mock-up for the Gesture Support
The user manual mock-up for the Gesture Bedrail
Multiple Owners:
Ruan smit
Olivia Hunkin
Elmarie Van Staden
Bairu Tao
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10% End of Life Care

10% End of Life Care

This project was a group project cantered around designing products for palliative care. As part of Greenside Design Centres 10% initiative.
