Compilado animaciones realizadas junto con estudio Ronda
Rigging y animación: Lucía Castez
Cliente: Danone 
Diseño y storyboard: Gabriel Fermanelli
Software: Anime Studio 11
Animation Test for a project, with ANTI WHO
Character and objects design by Martin Mcgil
Scene from Eudeba Spot. Project performed with ANTI WHO team. Characters designed with Martin Mcgil. 
Pencil test del cortometraje "Enojon"
Pug! ejercicio realizado en TVPaint
Algunas de las animaciones realizadas para distintos proyectos del estudio 2veinte, a partir de diseños suyos.
Reel desactualizado! :(

Música: "Dramophone" by Caravan Palace


In this video I compiled a sample of my animation work, and art for various projects in which I participated, mainly films and games I hope you Read More
