Though we are living in the modern world, some occurrences make me ponder harder about the freedom a woman gets about her choices in any field. Here, the photo portrays the freedom of Nirbhaya's choices while she relishes her life and moves freely in them.
Nirbhaya met her friend, spent her day with laughter, and exploring the joyous moments of life. Even today if a woman laughs aloud, it is taken as a wrong signal by men in our society. But Nirbhaya believed living life on her terms. For her, it was a usual day, wherein she met her friend and they planned their day.
Nirbhaya was happy to explore the patterns and colors of her clothes. The photo here imitates Nirbhaya's happiness about who she is. She is in love with her clothes and stands poised in it. She feels content. When she stepped out of her house, she was comfortable and confident in her clothes, which makes her fearless in the world.
We say that every citizen has the right to live their own life in their way, but the question is, how many of us follow it, especially in terms of a woman? Exactly this is what happened in the case of Nirbhaya, people questioned her choice of clothes, and why she was out late at night.

Nirbhaya believed that her choice of wearing any piece of cloth is justified as long as she is warm. If we talk about time, it was only 9:30 pm when she was returning home that night. As she has the freedom to lead her life, she also has the freedom to choose till what time she wishes to stay out or return home, society is no one to question her.  

When Nirbhaya was cherishing the moments of her joyous day, six men inside the bus were planning the scandal. They knocked her friend and made him unconscious and turned towards her. She was trembling in fear.

They grabbed her hair and pushed her down. Accused ripped her clothes forcibly. This act doesn't only hamper her physical state but also fills her with terror.

They dragged her to the rear of the bus and beat her with the rod. Nirbhaya was raped by all six of them one by one. The cruelty didn't stop, a rod was suspected to be used for penetration which caused serious injuries to her abdomen, intestines, and genitals.

Why? What is this brutal act for? Just because they couldn't control their lust, they decided to ruin her life, her dreams, her existence? Those unheard screams, unseen tears, and unbearable pain are much beyond our imagination equivalent to just being dead. Not for once did they realize she is someone's daughter, someone's sister, and above all, that she is not a public property to touch without her consent.

It is said that the strength of a woman is the backbone that holds everything together. It was Nirbhaya's strength that she kept fighting even after the injuries caused to her. She fought back, mustering all the power she had and tried to bite three of the attackers. She tried to resist and screamed for help, but since the bus was moving her voice was never heard.

At a point in life, we all think of giving up upon the struggles and wait for some miracle. Nirbhaya fought until her last nerve, but they ripped her body apart. According to reports, one of the accused men confessed to having seen a rope-like object, assumed to be her intestines, being pulled out of Nirbhaya's body. There were monstrous bite marks all over Nirbhaya's body, and pieces of her hair and saliva were found on the accused body.
There are only stains left on her clothes now, stains of blood, stains of those impure hands. She is not only broken physically, but her soul has also shredded apart. The private bus wasn't allowed to use on the weekends, but these accused wanted 'to have fun'. The bus kept moving through the city with her blood flowing, while Nirbhaya suffered through immense pain.
Nirbhaya and her friend were thrown out of the bus. She was found in a partially naked condition before both of them were admitted to the hospital. Fighting for her life for days in the hospital the darkest morning came on 29 December 2012, when we lost another daughter of India.

Though Nirbhaya died, she lived in her mother, who fought for seven years, for her daughter's justice. Nirbhaya was alive, in every daughter waiting for justice. The boldness in the photo here depicts the confidence and power she conveyed and filled within every woman to fight and stand for themselves.

The accused that day killed her and tried to destroy Nirbhaya's identity, but she became the voice of India. After the incident, lots of protests were done, across the world, thousands of people silently marched in various cities. On 20 March 2020 rose the sun of justice when all the accused were hanged till death, and that day Nirbhaya slept peacefully forever. But one question remains, could all this bring her back? Unfortunately no, but the fire she started is still burning, and that is keeping her alive in every woman of our country.

The Other Side


The Other Side
