Kaavya Azad's profile


This project is a 3-part, talking about pausing, rewinding and playing. It's a simple thing to do when we're watching Netflix. "Oh, I missed that part, can you rewind?" or "I'll bring the snacks, just hit pause!" But when it comes to us, humans, is it really still all that easy?
The first piece is "Pause." It essentially comprises of the sad days when you're gloomy and you can feel the sadness consuming you. You want it to stop. Maybe, even need it to stop. 
The next piece is "Rewind." Through your sadness, you end up cherishing moments of the past. That ex-boyfriend you hated? Maybe he wasn't as bad when you were dating, or at least the start of it all, if nothing else. That trip you took with your friends? Granted, not everything went to plan, but all the spontaneity was what made it your favorite trip. A "rewind" state-of-mind is often a dangerous place amidst that sadness, considering you'll have to return to it. But the comfort it provides, even for just a moment, is bliss.
The third and final piece is "Play." This is once you've gotten over your sadness (even for a little while) and have reached a better hour or day. When you're happy, with the sun shining on your skin, and just feel like dancing around your room. 

