The Process - Organizing The Project
I designed a User Interface each day, for 100 days! The challenge helped me level up my Visual Design Skills and raise awareness for existing mental models.

I Used Figma for the whole process. As you can see, the whole project is divided into daily mini-projects with different pages. Each page was a different day.
Inspiration & Moodboards
I used Dribbble and Behance as the main sources of inspiration. Each day I started with taking several screenshots of projects that I liked and made a moodboard out of those, in order to start ideating my design.
Color Palettes
After brainstorming a bit and deciding on the "feeling" of a particular design, I prepared my color palette. One solution to create the palettes was to "translate" colors from the real into the design world. As you can see above, I made a palette out of this picture. Based on this color palette, I transformed the background & text of the left column. I followed that in all of the challenges, depending on the needs.
Daily UI Challenge

Daily UI Challenge



Creative Fields