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The Futuristic Violin Infographic

About the Project
Pick a music instrument or medical instrument to create an infographic about. The infographic can cover any aspect about the item, such as history, making or how to use it. I decided to pick a musical instrument as I found that more fun and interesting. 
I listed out various musical instrument that interested me, some of which included a Water phone, Violins and Guitars. I ultimately picked the violin as I used to play it when I was younger, and thought it would be nice to return to it again. So, I conducted research on the history of violins, how they came to be and the original creator of violins. Which I found was rather confusing as it was a long time back and people claimed different things. Then, I chanced upon the electric violin, which its history was vague and messy as well. I decided to forget about history and looked at cool looking, futuristic electric violins instead. 

Now, I found a violin which I liked, and they also showed the process of making the electric violin. I decided to work on this brand of electric violin! So I researched on the electric violin and discovered that it had a name, Pauline! I also researched on how the violin worked, as well as how the violin was made from 3D printing. 
Piecing the Infographic Together
After having all the information I needed, I put together and illustrated the various components I needed. Following the theme of a futuristic violin, I used a cyborg playing the electric violin to show that it is sci-fi. I placed a large image of the violin, so I could showcase the workings and the pieces of the violin. I also decided to show off other cool looking electric violins, some of which are from the same brand as its siblings and the others as its cousins. Lastly, I put in how the violin is made from 3D printing and the processes. 
Final Thoughts
This project made me feel interested in things I would not look into. I might have come across something cool looking, but not look into it, and I enjoyed learning about the things that caught my attention! The violin also looks and sounds awesome, I will remember this violin for many years to come!
The Futuristic Violin Infographic


The Futuristic Violin Infographic
