Sakshi Sarkar's profile

Animatic | Redundant Abundance

Purpose – To eradicate redundancy of one’s materialistic belongings
Subject – A white cane’s visionary 
POV – Being a titular materialistic person isn’t necessarily a wrong thing. 
Objects sometime holds emotional discretion of highest order without us realizing it.

 _of course all of this is very subjective_ 
Plot | The visionary of a blind designer’s cane, of how he sees the disability and the atrocities he’s been through. The recurring character almost gets accustomed with the fact of being disabled and starts adjusting life accordingly is when he stumbles upon a call reclaiming the possibility of getting back his eyes. Now that he has gained back what he had lost, he is content in his life not realizing what an important role that cane had played in his life once.
Character thesis and my take | 
Once a blooming designer, now struggling to get used to his “eye” problem.
More like him turning a blind eye to his problems and getting on with his everyday struggles ~ optimistically than ever. On the other hand, the cane being a silent/non-living character throughout the film intends on him having a good time with it, later to realize that their journey was only temporary, much like ephemera, and accepts his now new found “eye lifestyle” diligently. It seems like the only permanent thing about life is temporary, and that’s where it gets tricky. 
It’s ok to hold onto something as long as one can get over it.
Animatic | Redundant Abundance


Animatic | Redundant Abundance
