Materials, Processes, and Ideas
Materials: I used Adobe Illustrator and Adobe Photoshop.
Processes: During this project I began working with new tools that I haven't used in the past. Tools such as the Pencil tool to create shapes quickly then using the shape builder tool to quickly cut off the edges. I also worked more with gradients to create things such as the shooting star in the sky or the sky itself. I also worked with brushes which I haven't done since the hair on vector portrait and used the brush tool to create randomly placed stars in the sky.
Ideas: I had a few ideas on what song to make a album cover for such as "Birds in the Trap Sing McKnight" by Travis Scott but ended up choosing "P2" by Lil Uzi Vert due to him having a clear message given throughout the album and the existing album giving me inspiration.
Practice, Experimentation, and Revision
Practice: In this project I practiced different tools such as the brush tool to create the stars and practiced with the pencil tool until I was comfortable enough to create the trees on the center and sides.
Experimentation: Throughout this project I experimented with many different techniques and ideas that I came up with. I tested different ways of having my subject lay in the middle such as on his back or the position I decided on. I also experimented with the texture overlay for a while until I found a texture I liked and a blending setting that made it look right.
Revision: I made a good amount of revisions to make the final product just how I wanted it. In the beginning the trees were all the same just sitting at different heights but I added a second tree style and inverted a few of the trees that I didn't change. I also made a few changes to the text and also the trees that sit on the sides to make them sit in the right position.
SI Project #4

SI Project #4
