Liz Hailey's profile

Project 2: Illustrator Techniques

ADVE2291 Design Lab 1: Project 2 Illustrator Techniques
Description of what I did? 
I used Adobe Illustrator to trace over the Coca-Cola logo.  I worked with curves, paint bucket and text on a curved surface. 

What were the deliverables?  To draw complete and accurate reproduction of the script type, pattern and elements with quality.  To use CMYK and global colors as well as cleaning up and organizing the swatches and layers panels.  Once complete, you must submit specific files per the instructions on Moodle.​​​​​​​

What did I learn?  
I learned more about how to use layers, colors, curves and fonts.

What did I already know but got more practice?
I knew a little about these tools and techniques from my previous Illustrator class assignments but found that my skills were pretty rusty and solidified the reason why I NEEDED to take this class to stay sharp.
Tracing the Coca-Cola logo and the Trade Mark label on a path.
Learning how to draw curves and making sure they are linked and touching where they need to be and not touching when they don't need to be.
Finally filled in the color and now I will need to keep working on cutting out the center of the "O's" and the "A".  It's a lengthy process...
Changed colors and gradient and organized the layers appropriately. 
When this all came together, I was really shocked at the results!
This was time consuming but very informative and fun to play around with!  I hope you liked learning about what I've been up to at CCAD.  See you next time with a whole new project and design!
ADVE2291 Design Lab 1: Project 2 
Visual Exploration: Pattern Design
Super sketchy style leaves...awesome!
Here I added both flowers and leaves together.
My FINAL design!  YAY!
I really liked the sketchy look of the dog in the inspiration pictures.  I also chose the line work of the flowers and the leaves in the following two pictures (to the right of the dog image above).  These are the three images I took my inspiration from.  I used the pen tool, shape builder, patterns and fill colors to create the sketches.  I played with the opacity levels of each of the layers of images.  I labeled the colors I chose in the swatches panel but since I am fairly new at this, I somehow ended up with no global colors in my swatches panel in the end.  How these things happen, I'm not really sure.  SMH...sigh.  I hope everyone enjoys my design!  
Project 2: Illustrator Techniques

Project 2: Illustrator Techniques
