Kelly Gallagher's profile

Laura Ann Carroll: Website Design 2021

Laura Ann Carroll: 
Website Design 2021
Connections in the universe are kind of crazy. I realize that's a wild way to start an introduction about a brand, but just stay with me for a second. I love the way the universe works - that connections from your past can stay tied to your present and future in ways you couldn't ever imagine. I met Laura in undergrad and we stayed acquaintances via mutual friends and running into each other ever so often. The Laura I know today has emerged from that undergrad cocoon into the most encouraging, confident, and kind-hearted human. Her unofficial tagline is "I believe singing is for everyone" and I've met only very few people that aim to create such a safe and nurturing environment for their clients.

As per all my branding clients, we began with a full brand discovery that influenced our final visual identity decisions. Once those elements were set, we were able to dive into the design of her website. During our meetings, Laura told me she wanted the site to feel clean and easy to navigate, while feeling approachable, elevated, and fun.

Below is the final result of our home page. For full website, click here.
Laura Ann Carroll: Website Design 2021

Laura Ann Carroll: Website Design 2021
