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Advanced Visual Communication Rendering Exercise

DESP 2050 - Advanced Visual Communications - Project 1 - 
the images below are sketches created using Sketchbook Pro and then learning how to render them with added light and shade, to learn skills for presentations.
Week 1: task was to draw cubes using perspective lines in SKetchbook Pro, and add light and shadows where necessary, with the addition of our own sketched product iPhone 5
Week 2: using Skecthbook Pro had to skecth a series of Joystick/ Nunchuck designs and then rendered them adding light and shade
Week 3: Presentation of a joystick in order to learn skills in presentation of a product, again using  Sketchbook Pro and adding labels where appropriate
Week 4: sketching a car and rendering of my own choice then adding light and shade to bring the form to life
Week 5: sketching and rendering water bottles as part of a presentation exercise
Advanced Visual Communication Rendering Exercise

Advanced Visual Communication Rendering Exercise

Computer Rendering using Sketchbook Pro as part of an Advanced Visual Communication Exercise.
