Maddie Razook is a local musician based in Oklahoma City. With a great love for community, she enjoys performing around the state and on tours across the country. A well-known voice around the area, she has created quite the name for herself, and it was a pleasure when she reached out to us. 

One of Maddie Razook’s favorite things about the local music scene is the ability to exchange merchandise with others. Whether it is trading with other artists before a show or fans after a show, she needed to have unique merchandise that would further her outreach. However, she did not want to feel boxed in or heavily branded. 

There are so many ways that music can bring people together, and these connections led me to a unique concept where various objects could be strung together through a singular line. Leaning towards a loose, organic approach for potential merchandise illustrations accurately reflected many of the feelings that are experienced when enjoying Maddie Razook’s music. Delicate yet diverse, it was equally important to showcase the musical aspects of Maddie Razook as it was to emphasize the organic and DIY characteristics that help define her as an artist. Each illustration can be easily paired with others in a unique combination that would lead to incredibly personal merchandise, and stand out from the crowd. 
Maddie Razook


Maddie Razook

A proposed series of illustrations for local musician Maddie Razook.
