Podcast Assets
Art direction and design of the new style guide for a Houston, Texas Podcast program managed by Speakerbox Media.
Speakerbox Media helps B2B marketing teams setup, launch, and manage their podcasts.
Design Brief: They are looking to update their promotional assets for their client’s podcast www.truevstruthpodcast.com (@truevstruthpodcast). The promotional assets include a Zoom video template, audiogram template, and quote card template. The templates will be updated with images of of each guest.
Colors and textures in the same way of @truevstruthpodcast on IG.
Full Podcast Promotional Media Package that includes
Zoom Video Template (Qty.1)
Audiogram Template (Qty.2)
Quote Template (Qty.3)
Each design file was delivered in one consolidated (.PSD) file. However, also we provided as individual (.PSD) files. The files had to be well organized and self-explanatory for their junior designers to update.
Audiogram template
Application: Audiograms allow them to showcase compelling audio clips from each podcast they produce. Their animators will add motion to our design to bring to life. They will publish the final animation on Instagram and Facebook.
Quote Card template
Application: Quote cards include 2-3 quotes from each guest (and occasionally the host) of each podcast. They usually post these to Instagram and Facebook.
Zoom Video template
Application: They are looking to up their Zoom videos by organizing them similar to the Lifecast examples. Their video editor will use the template to brand their Zoom recordings. The video will be posted to YouTube and occasionally on Instagram and Facebook.
Instagram Post
Podcast Assets


Podcast Assets


Creative Fields