Khodynskoe Pole. Wayfinding System

Khodynskoe Pole Park is located​​​​​​​ on the territory of the first Moscow airfield. The former taxiway has now become a central promenade with a trampoline center, coworking space and a fountain. The promenade divides park into sports and walking zones. 

The main reference point for the creation of the new navigation system was the landscaping concept developed by MAGLY. One of its key elements was the gradient perforation, which can be seen on the facades of the pavilions.

Design features

Gradient perforations can be seen in the outer pane of wayfinding media. Together with the inner red panel, and all the necessary information applied, it creates an integral recognizable image.

Font and Pictograms 

In the project, we used the Navigo font – an laconic and modern sans-serif designed specifically for wayfinding. Its clear, geometrized shapes with recognizable rectangular cut ends also form the basis of pictogram graphics.​​​​​​​

Khodynskoe Pole. Wayfinding System