A Contemporary Fashion Brand For Men

Long time ago, the embroidery craft was initially used for men accessories and clothing in South Sinai, but nowadays, the craft is mostly known and used for women fashion wear. The culture of Sinai is the main inspiration for this project, as we decided to focus on preserving the embroidery craft by implementing it through our production of ties for menThe aim of this project is to help and support the women of Sinai and increase their income also to promote this craft and to be introduced in a contemporary fashion product.
Research Location
Our Research location was at El-Tarfa, near Saint Catherine in Sinai, Egypt. El-Tarfa residents are mainly from a tribe called JABALAYA tribe, This tribe inhabits mostly the South Sinai region as it's considered one of the biggest tribes in Sinai. 
Social Engagement activit
We conducted a drawing session at one of the local houses in South Sinai in order to create a social interaction with everyone, also to explore their shapes and their inspiration behind each element they use in their embroidery products in order to design our own simplified patterns yet still inspired by them. The personality of each woman was reflected in her drawing in a form of colors, elements and composition of the drawing.
Drawings done by the women 
Analysis and Design Phase
Sketches of the Ties/Patterns
Simplified Patterns of South Sinai 
After analyzing the drawings done by the women and classified the elements they used in their drawings and in their products, we developed a more simplified pattern inspired by the original elements of South Sinai and classified them into organic and geometric patterns. 
The 3 main designs for the ( JABALAYA ) collection, the first collection of the brand.
Moodboards & Experiments
White fabric prototype
Final Outcome

