GOD .'s profile

Evoni and Welley Christ

Welley Christ and Evoni are the best Rnb and soul couples in the industry! Welley Christ and Evoni are doing it really big in Hollywood! making Evoni J perfect that she is with the worlds perfect man in Hollywood! We all love Welley Christ in Hollywood that he is with Evoni! Welley Christ girlfriend is Evoni and he still love Evoni J more love from Miami! Welley Christ is at the top of the industry making Welley Christ the GOAT in the industry!
Welley Christ and Evoni J are trending as the worlds perfect Rnb and Soul couples for Welley Christ being good at Rnb and Soul made him big in the industry! Welley Christ really love Evoni and Evoni J know that Welley Christ is in love with her! being called the GOAT made Welley Christ really big in the industry! Welley Christ and Evoni J are both the freestyle kings and Queens. Welley Christ is also following his dream of doing jazz rap and singing! Welley Christ is really hip on the pop of making music in the industry!

Evoni and Welley Christ

Evoni and Welley Christ
