A night in the mountains. Alp Selva and Ampervreilhorn in Vals in the Swiss canton of Graubünden
Chrachaboda, Vals, Graubünden, Switzerland
Milky Way over Fanelhorn, Graubünden, Switzerland
Vallemaggia, Ticino, Svizzera
Laghetto dei Salèi, municipality of Onsernone in the Swiss canton of Ticino
The Ticino Night
Munzzelümm, Passo del Bùsan
Ospizio Bernina, Lago Bianco
Kapelle St. Anna in Frunt (Vals) and Zervreilahorn overlooking Zervreilasee
Oberalppass, source of the Rhine river, at the border of the Swiss cantons of Uri and Graubünden
Bosco Gurin in the Swiss canton of Ticino
Head in the Stars

Head in the Stars
