Tyra Govender's profile

Create for Society

The socio-economic divide is the unequal distribution of social and economic opportunity in different groups within society. Therefore I researched more about different groups that suffer from socio-economic issues in South Africa. One of the insights that were a challenge, is the unequal treatment of women.

Research and Insights

One of the main insights identified was the challenges around women and equality around the world, however, in South Africa, I found it was a major socio-economic issue. More so I researched further and categorised my insights into one challenging issue, the unequal bias of women in all aspects of life.

From the insights, I further conclude the development of my concept, to raise awareness of the inequality of women in the workplace that should receive the same opportunities as men. As this is an ongoing struggle faced all over the world, but to make that difference we start in our own community.


Political/ Cultural Influence: to inspire women through women who have achieved political power and cultural power in communities.

Target audience

The audience I would like to address is millennial women of ages 18 to 34. The expansion of movements that had started generations ago is being moved forward into the modern age and larger platforms that are now accessible to the world. Young women of today are more informed politically, culturally, and socially and invest in these movements that need to be embraced and resolved.

Introducing the solutions

A woman's place is everywhere.

As a young girl of colour in South Africa, the experience of not being viewed as acceptable for something you are passionate about or something you've always wanted to do is disheartening because you are a woman. The most common insight I made was the inequality in the workplace. My solution is to empower women to break the barriers of gender bias in the workplace or any other situation for that matter. This is showcased through a typographic poster and illustrative posters.



Create for Society

Create for Society
