GOD .'s profile

Godly Ovo Face IS Too Godly!

Godly Ovo got some new clothing in stock so Godly Ovo made the Godly Trill brand! first Godly Ovo started with his record label The 6 Records then he made the Godly Trill brand! The 6 Records started as a clothing brand then Godly Ovo turned it into a record label! Godly Ovo real name is Welley Christ so we know that Welley is Godly Ovo this year is Godly Ovos year! The Godly Face! having the Godly face made Godly Ovo  a real big celebrity in Hollywood! how did the artist Welley Christ end up with the name Godly Ovo and being called Godly for short! for many years people have been looking for the worlds perfect man! they say the worlds perfect man will have the perfect face and have a lot of  talents but now we know that the worlds perfect man name is Godly Ovo but his real name is Welley Christ! what makes Welley Christ the worlds perfect man? reason why people say Welley Christ is the worlds perfect man is because he have 53 talents and go's by Godly! Godly is Welley Christ this year! being a Hollywood star made Godly Ovo a really big star this year nobody have ever thought that Godly Ovo would be Welley Christ! having the Godly name is not just the name it comes with a face and that face is Welley Christ! Yes Welley Christ have the Godly Ovo face "The Godly Face" Godly Ovo got a new face! 
Godly Ovo Face IS Too Godly!

Godly Ovo Face IS Too Godly!
