Nomar Juarez's profile

State Of Surveillance

State of Surveillance
Project Brief
The premise of this school project required each student to select a documentary film, viewable on Vimeo documentaries, watch and research the film, and analyze the best way to present the movie to consumers. Students were required to design the DVD slip case and the inserted CD. The design could not in any way resemble past design(s). The class was told to consider this DVD packaging design to be a new promotion of the documentary, as if it had not been previously created. 
Project Goal
To entice documentary watchers to watch the film while conceptually convey through the design the documentaries story in a succinct, visually appealing manner. 
After watching and researching this complex documentary it was challenging to decide what aspects of the film should be emphasize, visually and emotionally, and how best to tell the story properly to motivate consumer to watch the film. 
I chose State of Surveillance because when I saw it in the list on the website I already started getting ideas when I read it and once I watched the documentary I had more ideas. The documentary is about the state of surveillance in the U.S. and how the government can be watching you without you even knowing. Most of the doc. is an interview of Edward Snowden, controversial American whistleblower, who explains that the government can be watching you from your computers, phones, cameras. They could be watching you right now as you read this and you wouldn't even know.  ​​​​​​​
DVD Front Cover
For my DVD front cover design I thought of having the inside of a phone be the main focus, and having it mostly white except the cameras and microphones were going to be green because thats is where the government is able to watch and hear you from. I also thought of having a quote that Snowden said in the documentary, "the most terrifying thing is if your phone had been hacked, you would never know" inside the actual battery of the phone to further emphasis the seriousness of the government watching you.
DVD Full Cover Design
For the spine it was just laying out the name and the producers of the documentary. For the back design I wanted to have boxes with the rating, summary, images, and the Features section. I then added the outline of the phone around all of them on the back to make it emulate the inside of a phone. 
DVD Disc 
For the DVD disc design I had a few design ideas. The design I chose, the layout is diagonal with the phone outline cut in half. Then the rest of the type and logos is on the space below that.
State Of Surveillance


State Of Surveillance
