Project Brief:
To find an outfit or item for five pounds or less and customising it.
My personal aim was to transform the product.
My inspiration:
Adam Saaks who is known as the custom couture t-shirt and dress cutter, who went independent from Ed Hardy and Christian Audigier. He is known to cut (Ed Hardy) t-shirts and transform them as the model is wearing it. Talk about taking customisation to another level!
Another thing that inspired me was Macramé. Personally, I do not (as yet) know how to knit, crochet or do Macramé. Although, I do find it very interesting and intriguing. I wanted to incorporate the Macramé look into my customised item. (Macramé is a textile making process that uses knotting instead of knitting or weaving)
Chosen item:
A bikini bottom. Price - £0.5
After Customisation:
A knotted, Macramé inspired necklace!
The £5 Challenge

The £5 Challenge

Customising an outfit or item for five pounds or less. Special thanks to Joëlla Bril for modelling for me!
