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Biodiversity Conservation

Biodiversity Conservation: 
Preventing the spread of invasive plant species

What? Why?

As human society has become more mobile, the transfer of species beyond their native ranges has similarly increased. Human-induced biological invasions now occur around the world and are a leading cause in the loss of biodiversity. Hence it is important that we learn to distinguish the invasive species from our native plant species so that we can take preventive measures to preserve our biodiverse ecosystems. 

This issue, even though is occurring right in front of our eyes, people are seldom aware of the scale of devastation this might lead to. Hence I find it very relevant to address this issue and create awareness and help people to identify these plants so that they can take the necessary steps to prevent and control the spread of such species.


- People being able to distinguish invasive species from native.

- People being aware about the importance of biodiversity

- Preserving traditional plant knowledge

- Community level interaction (sharing information and resources)

- The youth sensitized towards nature.

How are invasive species affecting native biodiversity?

Invasive plants and trees may have attractive flowers that can lead to an easy pollination of them by insects. Through this pollination, native species are neglected and these exotic species get spread easily.
Invasive plant species spread quickly and can displace native plants, prevent native plant growth, and create monocultures.
Invasive plants cause biological pollution by reducing plant species diversity. Changes in plant community diversity reduce the quality and quantity of fish and wildlife habitat.​​​​​​​

How can we educate the urban population about the threat posed by invasive species so that they are empowered to take action and conserve our native biodiversity?

Installations in public spaces

The goal is to attract people’s attention to the plants around them and realize that they are living organisms too and not just part of the background.
The installation consists of eyes and facial features that go on a tree trunk. This gives the tree a certain human character and people get close to inspect. They then notice a small quote by the tree near which a QR code is placed, where the viewers get to read more about the tree and its character. The trees could also be having a conversation with neighboring trees to make it a more interactive experience.

Desk Calendar

With unique designs on each month, a desk calendar can not only bring a happy pop of color to your desk but also help in creating awareness and learning.
A desk calendar is something that’s always on your desk and you see it almost everyday. By including an image of an invasive plant and a small write up about it, the user gets familiarized with at least 12 invasive plants over a period of 12 months. 
The calendar is made of recycled paper and is embedded with seeds of non invasive native plants that people can grow at home instead of bringing in invasives into their garden. There are also seeds of plants like ragi and amaranthus that people can grow at their home, harvest and consume.

Card Game

The aim of this game is to educate people about the invasive species and help them identify these species if they come across one.
The game consists of 61 cards. These cards contain photos and illustrations of 30 invasive plant species of Kerala. Each invasive plant will have 2 cards, one illustrated and one photograph of it’s disruptive effect, both with the name of the plant and a QR that you can scan to read how the species is a threat to the natives.

Traditional Food Documentation

The aim is to bring back local ingredients and empower people to appreciate native plants.
Traditional foods are nutrient-rich and have a long history of supporting health and wellness. Traditional ingredients and raw materials actually can boost the health. Our food culture is continuously evolving and a lot of traditional and local dishes are lost in the process. People are unaware that a lot of local plants around us are edible and our ancestors have relied on these native plants for food and health benefits. Sharing this information with the public will encourage them to try out local ingredients and include them in their food, as a result appreciating the native plants and recognizing their importance. 
The dishes and ingredients are documented and published in a website or blog where anybody can access it. People can also share their own recipes with local native plants.


Biodiversity Conservation


Biodiversity Conservation
