Pedal Around!
The Bicycle Craze of the 1860's was a time where the first true bicycle was created in Paris, France. The Oliver brothers recognized the commercial potential of this invention, and set up a partnership with blacksmith and bicycle maker Pierre Michaux, using Michaux's name (who was already famous among enthusiasts of the new sport) for the company. They began the first mass-production of bicycles in 1868, as the first real bicycle craze had begun the year before, reaching full force all over Europe and America in 1868 and 1869.
For this project, I decided to use different types of bikes and bike parts to cobble my letters that spell out "Pedal Around!". I wanted to use images that would stay true to the time frame of this event, (1860's) so I used old, vintage images that featured drawings of bicycles and their parts. During this process I wanted to be creative with the way I presented each letter of the phrase. At the same time, I didn't want to make each letter in a way that featured too many parts, I wanted to keep the letters of the phrase as simple as possible. I wanted the poster to look like it was printed on paper that you would see in the 1860's, so I used a textured background to follow this idea. 
Pedal Around!

Pedal Around!
