Abi Otis's profile

Silence is Golden - Tragedies of Silent Film

Project: ISTD: Silence is Golden

Objective: Create an editorial piece that covered the topic of tragedies of the silent film world. I wanted the final product to look like a file folder full or articles that might have been collected at the time the events were happening.

Techniques used:
Scanography - for distorting text
Calligraphy - for recreating love letters
This project required lots of time and research. At the end of each section I found actual news article from when the events actually happened, this was no easy task since these articles weren't readily available and most, if not all, were poorly scanned and the old newsprint was worn. However, I believe that in the end it was worth it and adds to the authenticity of the work I did.
Silence is Golden - Tragedies of Silent Film

Silence is Golden - Tragedies of Silent Film
