sopian project's profile

Cartoon Vector by Sopian Project

Hi friends, my name is Sopian, I'm from Indonesia.
This time I will present the design I made, this is my original design regarding vector cartoon, actually, this is just my fun when learning to use software adobe illustrator, because previously I used CorelDraw software, so, for now, I prefer to use adobe illustrator software instead of CorelDraw, So this is my work using the pen tool in adobe illustrator
And this is the real photo
and here's the wireframe
I did the photo tracing manually using the pen tool in adobe illustrator, I was tracing photo manually
It's about 6-7 hours, and that's just for my practice when using the pen tool in adobe
So if you guys want to be interested, ask me to make it, I can make it ...
okay that's a percentage of me, stay enthusiastic about learning, and let's be friends with me
Cartoon Vector by Sopian Project

Cartoon Vector by Sopian Project
