Bugs Matter
Every creature matters. Biodiversity matters. The air we all breathe, the water we all drink and the food we all eat all rely on biodiversity. Without biodiversity there is no future for humanity. We've been walking down a dangerous and destructive path for too long. Capitalism and greed are a trap that will see the end to humanity. So let's free ourselves from a bleak future by looking to nature as our ally - all of nature. 

I've created a series of illustrations to celebrate the smaller creatures of our world. Despite their size they all serve a purpose and have immense value. They are part of the complex puzzle that is biodiversity for which all life depends. 
Cicadas are loud, almost deafening. It's impossible to ignore their presence. I chose to illustrate a cicada as a symbol of voicing opinion and not being afraid to raise our voices about environmental issues. 
Moths are attracted to light. They always find light in darkness. We too can find the light - the solution, and move in the right direction towards positive change for good of the earth and all living beings. 
Dragonflies have flown the earth for over 300 million years. They represent the ability to move through time of difficulty. Dragonflies, like many insects have lives through mass extinction events. They are highly resilient and adaptable. Dragonflies move swiftly with purpose and clarity. 
Small but mighty - Stag Beetles are the gladiators of the insect world. Beetles are symbolic of hard work, creativity and intuition. 
The bold colours of the pieces were inspired by the works of artists like Heinz Edelmann and Milton Glaser, who's work I admire. The use of bold colour and the natural shapes in these pieces is representative of the variety of colour and shape we see in nature. 
Bugs Matter

Bugs Matter


Creative Fields